The Pros And Cons Of Metal Roof Replacement Compared To Metal Roof Retrofitting

Posted on: 31 August 2022

If you have an existing metal roof that is starting to fail, you have a decision to make. You can have a metal roof replacement or metal roof retrofitting completed. Metal roof retrofitting involves essentially covering the existing metal roof with new metal panels, creating a new roof over the existing roof. Metal roof replacement involves stripping away the old metal roof and installing a brand new roof. Read on to learn about some of the pros and cons associated with metal roof replacement compared to metal roof retrofitting.
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Commercial Roofing: Why Go For Membrane Roofing Systems

Posted on: 26 August 2022

The roof is one of the most important parts of a commercial building. It protects the interior from weather damage while also providing insulation. It's important to make the right decision when it comes to choosing a roofing system for your company. There are many factors to consider when it comes to commercial roofing, from the climate you live in, to the type of business you have. While there are many different types of commercial roofs available on the market, membrane roofing systems are some of the best options available.
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The Process Of Replacing An Old Shingle Roof With A New One

Posted on: 19 August 2022

Shingle roofs are one of the more simple types of roofs and are very common as a result. Shingles can be highly effective at protecting sloping roofs. If you already have a roof with shingles, but the shingles have worn out, you will need to replace them with new shingles. Preparations Before you begin the roofing project, you will need to calculate how many shingles you'll need. It's better to overestimate how many you'll need than to underestimate, but overestimating can lead to wasted money.
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Should I Use Synthetic Or Felt Underlayment For My Roof?

Posted on: 10 August 2022

Shingles are your first line of defense against rain, snow, and hail. However, another line of defense that is important to your roof is underlayment. This is a material that plays a vital role in protecting your roof from moisture damage. Two main types of underlayment you can choose from are synthetic and felt. Cost Felt is the original type of material that was used for underlayment. It is created with a combination of fiberglass and asphalt.
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