What Are The Reasons Behind Rippling Asphalt Shingles?

Posted on: 17 November 2022


During a new installation, your roof shingles may appear wavy for some days, but this issue will disappear after some time. However, the wavy appearance could signify trouble if you have relatively old roofing. In addition, rippling can contribute to moisture damage on your roof and affect your property's curb appeal. Given this, it is best to understand why the shingles are rippling. Here are the reasons behind rippling asphalt shingles.

Roof Leaks 

Minor leaks might not be a significant concern for many homeowners. However, this issue can damage your roof when unaddressed. Over time, water can seep through the shingles and into the underlayment. In this case, the underlay will shrink when you fail to hire an expert to inspect your roof and remedy the leaks. Eventually, your roof will appear wavy or rippled due to moisture damage. In addition, you will experience mold growth that could cause health issues for your loved ones.

An Aged Roof

With age, your asphalt shingles might become thin and fragile. In addition, some sections might break off and create bare patches on your roof. You should know that these forms of deterioration can contribute to rippling. Moreover, your roof can become vulnerable to rodents, snow, and ice, and you might need to replace it immediately. 

Poor Ventilation

Bad ventilation can be the reason why your shingles are wavy. This is because heat can get trapped within your roof, causing shingles to expand and contract. More so, this process can contribute to ripples in your roofing structure. Besides, moisture buildup can lead to rippling. In such cases, the ultimate solution is to ventilate your attic adequately. This way, heat, and dampness can escape, and your roof can remain in excellent condition. 

Improper DIY Installation

In some cases, wavy patterns on your roof could be a result of improper installation. For instance, ripples could occur if you fail to hire a roofing expert and staple the underlay yourself. In addition, if you fail to nail down your asphalt shingles properly, wind can blow them away. Moreover, rippling can occur if the decking absorbs moisture before attaching it to trusses and rafters. Failing to fasten the plywood properly can also contribute to lumpy areas in your roof. For that reason, avoid DIY installation and hire a qualified shingle roof repair contractor to check your shingles and fix these problems in time.

Rippling asphalt shingles can lower your home's curb appeal and indicate that your roof has a problem that needs shingle roof repair professional attention. Hence, it is best to hire an expert for a proper assessment and determine whether you need repair or a roof replacement.

To learn more, contact shingle roof repair services.